Quality and Certificates

Smooth processes are important in all service areas of Schildecker Transport GmbH: in the areas of transport and logistics as well as handling in the container depot, tank cleaning and refuelling. The basis for this is laid by a high-quality awareness and the responsibility towards the existing certifications and memberships in business associations. The transport of chemical and pharmaceutical goods is a particular challenge met by Schildecker.

As early as 1991 Karl and Edwin Schildecker were among the pioneers who worked out a quality manual. In August 1993, the company, which operates throughout Europe, was the first transport company in Austria to obtain the coveted quality certificate from the ÖQS. The main goals of the quality policy of Schildecker are safety, reliability, flexibility, competence, order and cleanliness


DIN EN ISO 9001 ... for tank and silo transports of food products and other goods and services for logistics as well as tanks and smaller containers

SQAS, EFTCO und ECD ... for transport and logistics as well as for tank cleaning

GMP+ ... for feed transport and tank cleaning

Pastus+ ...  for feed transport

ECTA Responsible Care ... for transport and tank cleaning

ADR ... for the carriage of dangerous goods by tank and silo transports

VÖTS, SQAS, EFTCO and ECD ... for tank cleaning

In July 2017, Schildecker Transport GmbH once again passed its ISO 9001:2015 audit and obtained the certificate CH14/0972. The updated certification includes both national and international tank and silo transports, services for logistics as well as tanks and smaller containers.

>download certificate DIN EN ISO 9001

Schildecker Transport GmbH was also at the forefront of accreditation according to the SQAS guidelines of the European chemical association CEFIC: In spring 1997 Schildecker was the second company in Austria to provide proof of accreditation according to the international guidelines of the Safety and Quality Assessment System SQAS. The SQAS certificate of tank cleaning allows Schildecker to issue the EFTCO Cleaning Document (ECD).

download attestation SQAS transport

download attestation SQAS tank cleaning

The GMP+ Certificate (good manufacturing practice system) for feed transport confirms that Schildecker, as part of the entire feed chain of meat production, fulfils the controlled qualifications. This certification and the activities in tank cleaning are of great importance for the future positioning in the European market.

download certificate GMP+

Es ist der Schildecker Transport GmbH als eines der ersten Transportunternehmen gelungen, einen Lizenzvertrag mit der Agrarmarkt Austria Marketing GesmbH über pastus+ abschließen zu können.

Da Futtermittel einen wesentlichen Bestandteil in der Produktion von tierischen Lebensmitteln darstellen, ist deren Qualität und Sicherheit von großer Bedeutung. Deshalb wurde 2006 das Qualitätssicherungssystem pastus+ für Futtermittel im Rahmen der AMA Gütesiegel Programme geschaffen.

2015 wurde nun auch der Transport in das Qualitätssicherungssystem pastus+ aufgenommen.

Für die Teilnahme am System pastus+ und dem Recht pastus+ Futtermittel zu transportieren, ist der Abschluss eines pastus+ Lizenzvertrages sowie der Nachweis über die Einhaltung der pastus+ Richtlinien durch eine zugelassene pastus+ Zertifizierungsstelle erforderlich. Obwohl unser Unternehmen bereits seit 2008 GMP+ und QS zertifiziert ist, haben wir uns zu einer Teilnahme an der AMA-Futtermittelrichtlinie pastus+ entschlossen.

Download Schildecker pastus+Lizenzvertrag

„Responsible Care“ is a global, voluntary initiative developed by the chemical industry for the chemical industry. The objective for all members, including Schildecker, is the commitment to exceed legal requirements: It stands for the chemical industry's desire to improve health, safety, and environmental performance.

The signatory companies agree to commit themselves to improve their performances in the fields of environmental protection, occupational safety and health protection, plant safety, product stewardship and logistics, as well as to continuously improve the dialogue with their neighbors and the public, regardless of legal requirements.

download certificate responsible care

The European Agreement concerning the international carriage of dangerous goods by road, commonly known as ADR (french abbreviation of "Accord européen relatif au transport international des marchandises Dangereuses par Route") indicates specific instructions in terms of packaging, load securing and labelling of hazardous materials.

download certificate of the DGSA (the so-called "Schulungsnachweis für Gefahrgutbeauftragte" in German Language)

The SQAS certificate of tank cleaning allows Schildecker to issue the EFTCO Cleaning Document (ECD).

download attestation SQAS tank cleaning

Schildecker Transport GmbH is a member of the VÖTS (Association of Austrian Tank and Silo Cleaning Systems). As a member of ECTA (European Chemical Transport Association), the company, which is active throughout Europe, supports the goals of improving standards for efficiency, safety and quality, as well as the environmental orientation and social responsibility of transport and logistics towards chemicals in Europe.



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